Symposium 2023

Circular potentials – added value of vacancy activation

On 14 and 15 June 2023, Kreative Räume Wien organized the symposium CIRCULAR POTENTIALS – Added Value of Vacancy Activation in cooperation with the Vienna Business Agency.

Poster Circukar Potentials

For the PROGRAM booklet as PDF click here.

The symposium focused on the economic, ecological and socio-cultural added value created by the activation of vacant properties. Both in the existing city and in urban development areas, the activation of vacant buildings provides important impetus. Hybrid spaces for experimentation and work, event and meeting spaces can be found in the revitalized buildings and areas that have been made accessible. In addition, the use of vacant buildings contributes to the careful use of resources.

One aim of the symposium in June 2023 was to discuss the added value of vacancy activation and to learn from each other how these can best be emphasized and presented.

And from several perspectives: The program included insightful keynote speeches on projects from Vienna, Bremen, Berlin, St.Gallen, Riga and Ebeltoft (DK). They showed the diversity of uses and possibilities that can unfold in these spaces.  

In-depth panel sessions, an excursion to current temporary use projects in Vienna and a panel discussion with a keynote speech on the topic of ‘Opportunity spaces for Vienna’ in the WEST temporary use project rounded off the extensive program

Listen now: Presentations and panel discussion

The videos of the keynote speeches and panel discussion can be viewed at this link.


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More photos from the symposium can be found here.

About Creative Spaces Vienna

Kreative Räume Wien has been providing free advice, networking and support for vacancy activation and interim use on behalf of the City of Vienna since 2016. As a service and advice center, we advise owners of unused rooms, buildings and spaces as well as those looking for space in the fields of culture, social affairs, creative industries, education and neighborhood work. Another focus is on networking and public relations work as well as raising awareness on the topics of vacancy activation and avoidance, interim use and cooperative use concepts.  

Review of the 2021 symposium

The last symposium took place in 2021 under the motto UNSEEN PROFIT – Potentials of vacancy activation. The presentations can be listened to here.